My favourite documentaries - Miscellaneous

An analysis of Twitter's especially devious method of shadow banning, throttling - now officially known as "freedom of speech, not freedom of reach". Imagine what the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany would have done with this kind of technology? Actually we don't have to imagine: it's called the Social Credit System in Communist China.

Nb. even though Elon Musk is clearly a totalitarian dictator in his role of CEO of Twitter/X, his support for freedom of speech is far greater than that of the CEOs of other similar (large) social networks. He also eliminated child porn, whereas the previous dictatorship simply refused to.

One of Andrew Bolt's best analyses, that reveals the main issue in the spat between Elon Musk and the Australian Government over the supposed need for online censorship: that of national sovereignty. Different nations have different cultures and therefore different forms of basic decency and common sense. In the US it is common sense to need to passionately defend the basic decency of the First Amendment against cases of devious political censorship - especially when a nation's mainstream Media and its government is conspiring to effectively promote Islamism (for electoral gain).

X censorship is going too far

Media Watch has a tendency for Left wing bias, like the rest of the ABC, but the first story of this episode is a major exception. It calls out Australian politicians' and the Media's cowardly globalist persecution of Elon Musk, and seriously questions whether the video he refused to censor globally should have even been geoblocked for Australians.

Of all of DarkMatter2525's highly scientific videos, this is perhaps his most powerful - since it doesn't argue against the existence of God, but rather against the existence of a psychopathic totalitarian one. Ie. if there is such a powerful being out there in the universe, it surely has a single, necessarily unspoken, commandment: "thou shalt learn for thyselves".

Penn and Teller: Bullshit - The Vatican

What kind of God would create and carefully supervise a "benign dictatorship" that created hell on Earth for well over a thousand years? What kind of God would support a political system that continues to molest children, spread disease and bigotry, and now has a significantly neo-Nazi (Communist) leader?

Stella Assange is almost as much of an inspiration as her deeply courageous husband, Julian. He has been punished for one reason alone: his ground breaking journalism is an ongoing political threat and embarrassment to the US aristocracy.

Nb. a journalist is essentially a public spy - ie. someone who spies for everyone, not just a government elite. It's generally totalitarians who don't appreciate the difference.

What so many of the joyless members of Academia and the Media fail to recognise is that all "violent" computer games are satires of real violence. This is why they are cathartic and inspire honesty and sanity (eg. GamerGate).

This fascinating episode of the BBC TV series Horizon explores various methods used to execute criminals in the world today. Included is a detailed description of the supposed gold standard for execution, nitrogen hypoxia. This documentary also reveals that like the Nazis, many Americans prefer to unnecessarily torture their most hated criminals to death (as well as often torturing and generally enslaving the rest).

Nb. now that nitrogen hypoxia has finally been used to execute someone, in Alabama, it's fairly clear that it's much more torturous than when used for euthanasia or animal slaughter. There is only one sane solution: just abolish the death penalty.

What level of incompetence and/or psychopathy was required to design the technical method of euthanasia in Canada by basing it on the main method of lethal injection used in the US? This method is well known to be extreme torture, since the anesthetic wears off during the procedure, while the victim is still paralysed, leading to her being slowly choked to death (while conscious). Ie. the main purpose of the anesthetic is make it look peaceful.

Like all human beings out of Africa, the Aboriginal people were migrants. They came to Australia and managed to learn how to survive, and thrive. In the process they drastically changed the environment to suit their needs and desires, just like the Europeans did (in Europe, and much later in Australia).

This video is a strong argument for widespread use of open-source, and for "piracy" of all forms of media.

Last modified: 2024-07-01 01:39:00 UTC.