My favourite documentaries, about Islam

Never again is now

Most people probably believe that they've learnt enough from history to see another Holocaust coming. However this disturbing film strongly suggests otherwise. Yet again cowardly Europeans are allowing medievalism to creep back into their societies - this time based not on a neo-medieval offshoot of Protestantism, but on fundamentally medieval, fanatical Islam (aka Islamism), with the assistance of popular neo-Nazism (politically correct Communism). The large majority of Jews and gays that choose to remain in the European Union are probably going to be exterminated, in a nuclear cold war the rest of the world will be powerless to stop.

Nb. although most Muslims are moderate, history shows that all it takes is a small minority of fanatics, supported by a majority of useful hypocrites, to enable a decades long campaign of war, tyranny and genocide.

A brilliant interview by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, exposing the dangers of widespread indoctrination by Islamism in the West. Islamism is of course a neo-Nazi totalitarian ideology, based on spreading and enforcing medievalism in modern societies, primarily through deception.

Whereas Jesus preached peace, love and tolerance, Muhammad practised war, hatred and totalitarianism - just like European popes and monarchs of the time.

Here is a good example of why it's a serious problem to have the main historical dictator of a religion also be its prophet. In Protestantism, the two main historical dictators are Martin Luther and the 8th King Henry, however the main prophet is still Jesus Christ. So nowadays it's relatively straightforward to be a Protestant (or a Catholic) without also wanting to be medieval.

Nb. pedophilia is probably the main way in which power (ie. submission to power) corrupts.

It's not surprising that the first worldwide religion created by a pedophile accepts sexual violence as all but inevitable, and describes women as if they were children.

Islam: the untold story

For some time most people have been aware that characters like Adam and Eve, Noah, Moses, Jesus, etc are at least largely fictional, but only recently have they began to question the character of Muhammad. This film reveals that just as the early Catholics deviously edited the New Testament for political purposes, so the early Arab empire used (and probably edited) stories about Muhammad to give their new found power religious legitimacy.

So Muhammad didn't like pictures of living things (amongst many other ordinary things), and thus demanded all be eliminated, worldwide, forever. What an absolute fascist.

In the future, that fact that Muhammad was even more of a fascist than Hitler will be common sense (worldwide). However, what is also true is that Muhammad was a relatively decent man, for the time in which he lived - that's just how dark the Satanic and Middle Ages were.

Just like many modern day Nazi organisations, many Islamic states proscribe death for apostates. Given all we know about radical Islam, "Islamophobia" makes about as much sense as "Naziphobia".

The Satanic Verses affair

This is the story of a little known author, who became a household name worldwide, thanks to an official Islamic legal opinion (and thus effective death sentence). If only Catholicism and Protestantism were still capable of such marketing!

The dangers of leaving Islam

There should be special social services available for apostates, and this type of refugee should be given preferential treatment. Violence against apostates must be officially recognised as the worst form of terrorism. Apostasy is the future of all humanity, and must be strongly encouraged and supported.

The implication of this video, that women are oppressed by Islam (ie. more so than men), is inaccurate. In Islamic states, women have the following privileges, that most men do not: not having to serve in the military, being able to legally have sex, being able to have children and thus a family, and being looked after financially. It's no wonder that Islam is regarded as the most Feminist religion (after Feminism itself of course), since both (radical) Feminism and Islam have always infantilised women and demonised most men.

So much suffering, for so long, for no good reason. This short documentary (or something like it) should be shown in all high schools - before ones about the Atlantic slave trade, the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Maoist China, etc.

Andrew Tate follows Muhammad for the same reason his followers follow him: he's a deeply sexist coward who wants to feel safe, using medievalism.

Andrew Tate isn't just a totalitarian dictator level narcissist, but also a moderate pedophile (ie. he only wants to have sex with women who are adults physically, but children psychologically). These two reasons are why he's so popular, just like radical Feminism is.

Muhammad said various things in his rise to power, that he later abrogated (went back on). At least he was honest about it though.

Many Muslims like to quote the fake Quran verse: "Whoever kills a soul... it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely." However, the real verse lists two exceptions for killing someone: in retaliation for killing another human being, and for "corruption". Corruption of course means the public practise of pretty much everything offensively un-Islamic.

The supposed Islamic god, Allah, is similar to the medieval Catholic and Protestant interpretations of God - heinously torturing people forever for simply enjoying life on Earth (instead of in Heaven).

Muhammad claimed that Islam was based on (early) Christianity, but in fact it's based on medieval Catholicism - a devious, sexually perverted, heinously violent, totalitarian corruption of Jesus's teachings. At least Muhammad was relatively honest about his more pragmatic version though.

The more popular the internet gets, and the more individualistic (anti-corporate) it becomes, the more science wins. This means no more Islam, worldwide.

The main reason why incest causes suffering is because it disrupts monogamous family structures. Since Islam is poly-monogamous, it is more resilient to incest socially (but still just as susceptible biologically).

The UK has very strict "hate speech" laws that function as defacto Islamic blasphemy laws (effectively carrying the death penalty). The reason is that the UK is fast becoming a full-scale neo-Nazi (Communist) state, and the everyday harassment by fanatical Muslims is a valuable political distraction from it. When the time is right the UK's aristocracy will likely demand widespread support for totalitarianism, as the only way to prevent a (democratic, but individually tyrannical) Islamic state.

Nb. the main reason the bureaucrats who actually run the UK are determined to totally fuck over their increasingly disloyal subjects, is that many, if not most, are devious pedophiles - terrified of the justice that is coming.

All religions are unscientific, though Islam is probably the worst.

The dark side of online dawah

The passionate hatred of many Muslims for non-Muslims is reminiscent of medieval Catholicism and Protestantism, and Bolshevism and Nazism. Who is primarily to blame for this sickness? Academia, the Media and the Software industry, for failing to criticise, and often even to acknowledge it.

This is the kind of revealing interview that is rare in the Media, but common online. Fleur Hassan-Nahoum describes the psychology of Islamic terrorists as well as that of moderate Muslims.

HAMAS has long been a neo-Nazi organisation (ie. deeply antisemitic, deeply homophobic, anti-democratic, tyrannical, torturous, mass murderous and medieval generally), but only now that they're being justly exterminated by Jews have they gained unqualified support from so many on the neo-Nazi (Communist) far Left. The current war in Gaza is tragic but necessary, just like the bombing and ground invasion of Berlin was at the end of World War Two.

Inside HAMAS

A longer documentary about HAMAS, unfortunately split into 7 parts, that describes in detail how medieval it is.

The current German government is far Left (neo-Nazi/Communist) and is therefore persecuting its democratic, anti-Islamist opposition. Yet again Germany is becoming a neo-medieval totalitarian state (at the centre of the EU), to educate the rest of the world about the absolute perils of where we're all going.

Of course it's not only Germany that's becoming a neo-Nazi Islamist state.

Since HAMAS is a deeply neo-Nazi organisation, it must be fought until the bitter end, regardless of how many people are killed in the process. Those who demand a premature end to the war are also, at least in practical terms, neo-Nazis.

It is tragic that it was necessary to kill so many non-combatants in the rescue of 4 Israeli hostages. Those condemning the operation should ask whether we should have stopped short of bombing and invading Berlin in World War Two, killing 1000s, to stop the Nazis. What a bunch of cowardly dhimmis!

Is it possible that Islam is being secretly rejected in Islamic nations, while growing in Western ones (through indoctrination of children and immigration)?

Last modified: 2024-06-10 13:30:00 UTC.